Hello and welcome! I'm Simon Brugel, a senior computer science undergraduate at the University of Delaware. This website serves as my portfolio, where you'll see my main industry/academic experiences and side projects.
My specialty is software engineering, though I have experience in other fields including artificial intelligence/data science, human-computer interaction, systems programming, and DevOps. I'm also open to exploring new fields and applications, and as a very technically-minded person, I can pick up new technologies easily.
Currently, I am seeking full-time employment in software engineering, data science, or related fields for after I graduate. Feel free to contact me through any methods on the left!
I'm a hobbyist digital artist and collector of train magazines/books
I really like dragons
My favorite bands include Muse, Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, and Pendulum
This is an open source site - check out the GitHub repo!
Certifications: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (Jan. 2025)
Languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Assembly, SQL
Frameworks: React, Angular, Node.js, Express, .NET, ASP.NET, Flask, Bootstrap, Tkinter, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, Unity, GoDot, CUDA
Tools & Other: Windows, Linux, Git, GitHub, Subversion, Microsoft Azure, MongoDB, Firebase, REST APIs, Swagger, Flood Element, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, Bash, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence
Coursework: Data Structures, Machine Organization & Assembly Language, Software Engineering, Automata Theory, Logic for Programming, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Parallel Computing, Databases, Computer Vision, Cybersecurity, Secure Software Design, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Technical Writing, Calculus, Discrete Math, Statistical Methods, Linear Algebra
These are just my main projects; more are available on my GitHub